Archive for the 'Computers' Category

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Computers and Software and Technology14 Sep 2004 11:33 pm

WooHoo… Just installed it.. lets see how the Version 1.0 of this popular browser is coming… Computers» Software» Technology»

Computers13 Sep 2004 05:35 pm

Finally I started today. Though I could give only half an hour to it, so could not do much. I will update it later as I have time. Here is the link: Computers»

Code and Computers12 Sep 2004 01:02 am

Hmm.. I think I sohuld mention this. I have this really big collection of old hindi MP3s, mostly from IITK. And they are completely unsorted, without any tag of any kind. For the last one year I had been planning to sort and tag them properly, but never had the enthu/time. There were just too […]

Computers02 Sep 2004 06:41 pm

well.. i just did an ego-browsing, and found that my current homepage has completely vanished from google’s index. Ki dukkho The iitk homepages still exists though. I wonder when my account and the homepage in the cse dept of iitk are going to be deactivated… Computers»

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