… instead it points to this blog when searching for Siddhartha Saha. What a pain :(. My old IITK homepage still comes to the top. Oh well… Computers»
Google is not listing my homepage….
… instead it points to this blog when searching for Siddhartha Saha. What a pain :(. My old IITK homepage still comes to the top. Oh well… Computers»
After 4 hours of play yesterday and a couple of hours today, finally I am done with Doom III. Let me summarize the experience. Around 10 days back, when I first played the game, I had written a small review kind of thing. I stick to it even now. The graphics is extremely good, though […]
Prince of Persia 2 – A new trailer
.. is available now. Computers»
What are the odds that you won’t find a duct-tape in a huge hi tech complex as portrayed in Doom ? Very small I would say. Now if you are one of them, who thinks that if there was any way to bind the flashlight to the barrel of the gun… voila : use the […]